What is the Average Weight of a Female Volleyball Player?

In a recent study, 10 female volleyball players were examined using a one-group pretest-posttest main attack action design.

Weight of a Female Volleyball Player

The subjects were aged 15.1 years, measured 1.71 m, and weighed 63.6 kg.

They came from different parts of the country but, on average, were from California.

Their body mass index was 63.6 kg, and their height was 5’11”.

VO2 Max

Researchers in Albania have conducted a study to determine the average weight of female volleyball players based on their VO2 Max.

They used the Astrand Test, which allows coaches to measure a player’s VO2 Max using an ergo cycle gauge.

The results of the Astrand Test show a linear relationship between body weight and VO2max, with a standard deviation of 15% from directly measured max VO2.

Female volleyball players were tested before and after a mini-training phase.

The data was then processed with the Wilcoxon Signed Rank test calculator and a Pearson correlation calculator.

The VO2 max has been adjusted to account for the difference in body weights between athletes and non-athletes.

While VO2 max has shown a negative relationship with body fat percentage, this correlation is less pronounced than what it might appear to be.

The average weight of a female volleyball player based on VO2 max is typically around 70 kg. In fact, athletes should have a body fat percentage below 30 percent in order to perform at their optimal level.

The researchers selected female athletes between the ages of 17 and 22 years old. VO2 max was determined by the Queen’s College step test, and body fat percentage was determined by skin-foldfold calipers.

Non-athletes were used as control subjects. Pearson correlation tests were used for statistical analysis. Once the data were collected, the researchers looked at the relationship between VO2 max and body fat percentage.

Because volleyball is a high-intensity sport with intervals of intense physical activity, a high-performance athlete must have high-level aerobic fitness. A high-performing athlete should also be able to recover from rest periods with less difficulty.

An efficient energy system is essential for peak performance in volleyball. An athlete who develops a solid aerobic foundation increases her anaerobic threshold and recovers more efficiently during rest intervals.

In a recent study, 75 female volleyball players were evaluated for VO2 max using the Astrand test. VO2 max was assessed in two periods.

VO2max was measured at the end of a training session and before and after a match.

The researchers then compared the results of the two groups to a reference group. They also looked at the differences in trunk musculature strength between the amateur and professional groups.

Body height

In this article, we’ll look at the average height and weight of a female volleyball player.

Female volleyball players, on average, are 21 years old and weigh approximately 72 kg. However, 99 percent of female players will never hit the 40-inch mark, which makes it very important to understand the sport’s requirements for physical dimensions.

While there are many external factors that may contribute to disordered eating, it is important to understand the internal and external influences that cause unhealthy behavior.

Using anthropometric data for the volleyball players in the Rio 2016 Olympics, we have gathered information about how much female athletes weigh.

We found that female volleyball players with lower body weights achieved better results than those with higher body weights. While volleyball players generally need more calories than the average person, the average athlete is taller than a 5’9″ male in the U.S.

Males may have the same amount of muscle, but female volleyball players need even more.

In volleyball, the average height of female players is around 164 cm. Net heights can be lowered when a player reaches the age of 45. Regardless of the height, female volleyball players are athletic.

The sport demands a high level of energy, and even the smallest player must be able to run back and forth on the court and get up again and play again.

Therefore, heavier players may be okay as long as they have the energy to perform at their maximum level.

A healthy eating plan is vital for a volleyball player. They should eat nutrient-rich carbohydrates, lean protein sources, healthy fats, and lots of fruits and vegetables.

Their individual intake depends on the age at which they begin training, their height, and the amount of exercise they undergo. Young players need to adjust their intake to account for growth.

A good Accredited Sports Dietitian can recommend the right diet for them.

Because women tend to be taller, female volleyball players are typically taller than their male counterparts. They also have more muscle mass, which means their bodies are able to generate more power than male players can. Many of these women play outside hitters.

Their height and athleticism are crucial to hitting the ball hard. This requires more strength than other positions. Unlike men, female volleyball players must jump high and run quickly.

Body circumference

Anthropometrical characteristics of female volleyball players are unique. In addition to being taller than their non-sporting peers, female volleyball players have lower limb power and a larger body circumference.

In this study, 50 female volleyball players, both first league and non-league, were compared with their non-sporting counterparts.

A total of 35 anthropometric measurements were made, including height, weight, bone mass, and agility.

To perform somatotype analysis, the players were divided into five groups. The measurements were performed by two experienced specialists and were carried out according to a standard protocol developed by the International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry.

Each player had her measurement taken on the right and left sides of the body. These measures were made to determine which side was dominant for somatotype analysis.

Further data processing involved the use of parametric analyses, discriminative analysis, and comparative analysis.

The results of the study indicated that body circumference of volleyball players varies between cadets and elite athletes. In four of the five tests, statistically significant differences were observed between the two groups. However, further refinement of the analysis revealed differences between Liberos and other specialist groups.

The study also demonstrates that the body circumference of a female volleyball player varies across anthropological levels. The researchers concluded that the morphological characteristics of female volleyball players may affect their effectiveness in realizing elements of the game.

The results of this study suggest that female volleyball players are taller and have lower body mass indexes than their male counterparts. Younger players with lower body mass have less mesomorphic and endomorphic components.

This suggests that they have more athletic ability. The researchers suggest that female volleyball players should strive to have lower body mass indexes to maximize their performance. If they do not, then it will be difficult to get their desired results.

The findings of this study support previous research. Intense exercise is an important component of volleyball performance. As previously mentioned, the higher the body mass, the harder it is for the body to move.

Furthermore, the force of gravity is greater for larger bodies, making it harder to jump. Therefore, higher-body-mass female volleyball players move slower on the court. Therefore, their jumps are lower than their lower-mass counterparts.

Training load

Volleyball is a sport characterized by alternating periods of high-intensity, intermittent movements, followed by brief recovery periods.

Actions in the sport typically involve rapid short-distance running and jumping, which are integrated with specific technical skills. Athletes must have technical, physical, and tactical skills to excel at the sport.

Training a female volleyball player should include the following:

Athletes’ time domains and training loads vary between practices and games, so the data from a season-long team is not representative of other collegiate volleyball teams. However, data from practices is usually higher than that of games.

The data collected are limited in that they do not reflect individual training sessions or weight-room sessions, which is not representative of real-world performance. However, the results are a useful starting point for volleyball training for all athletes.

Training load can be measured in two ways: the session-rating of perceived exertion method and the Edwards heart rate-based method.

The former method has some limitations and lacks the sensitivity to account for varying physical demands.

The latter method can discriminate between peripheral and central mediators of training load. To quantify the internal training load of a female volleyball player, the present study involved 15 university-level female volleyball players, aged twenty-three, and weighing 73.2 kg.

The relationships between these variables were determined by Spearman’s correlation coefficient.

The results of this study suggest that the preseason training cycle of an elite female volleyball player is a significant contributor to the incidence of injury.

Consequently, proper monitoring of a female volleyball player’s training load is essential to preventing injury and optimizing performance.

However, not all training load markers are equal, and the exact relationship between training load and match load can vary from person to person. In order to properly evaluate the training load of a female volleyball player, a rigorous study is required.


A study conducted on the effect of a ball throwing and plyometric training on a young female volleyball player showed significant improvements in both lower and upper-body performance.

The experimental group also improved ball throwing distance. It also showed that players aged between eight and thirteen improved in jumping performance and ball throwing distance during this study.

In addition, age and position also have an effect on perceived fatigue.

The results showed that the effects of plyometric training on female volleyball players are not uniform across all age groups.